National Safe Driver Program
National #1 Provider of Driver Safety and Education Courses for 45 years
5+ Million Happy Customers
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Driver Safety Course

Mask citations/points from your record, and save money on your automobile insurance, with our fast and easy driving safety programs: Traffic School Courses, Mature Driving Courses and Teen Driving Courses!

DMV Practice Tests

Don't just head to the DMV and take your chances. Pass the written test on your first try by preparing with our DMV Practice Tests!

Driver Education

Learn about motor vehicle operation, rules of the road, and life-saving defensive driving habits with our fun online driver ed program!

Mature Driver

Get a discount on your auto insurance and stay safe behind the wheel with our simple and informative online seminar for older motorists!


Prepare with DMV Practice Tests

You might assume that the licensing written exam ("knowledge test") is easy and that you don't need to study. In fact, while failure rates vary considerably from state to state, the average failure rate is over 40%—and some states have failure rates higher than 80%. Don't let this happen to you!

Study with National Safe Driver Program test-prep guides to boost your chances of passing the written exam on the first try!

It's as E-A-S-Y as 1-2-3!

  1. Learn: The first step is to learn what you'll need to know to be a safe driver. Do this by:
    • completing a good driver education program (if you're a first time driver), and
    • studying your state's official driving manual.
  2. Practice: Prep for your licensing exam with our DMV Practice Test Program. You can run through as many exams as you like during your "enrollment period"; over-preparing will make the actual exam seem easy. And our test simulation feels just like the official test, with:
    • questions customized to your state's driving laws and identical to those on the actual test.
    • a structure and presentation similar to the actual test, so you'll know exactly what to expect on test day.
    • helpful feedback that shows the results of each test and tracks your achievements over time.
  3. Pass: Because you're fully prepared and confident in your knowledge, you'll have an advantage over other test-taking applicants. The DMV Practice Test Program is the perfect study aid, whether you're:
    • a first-time driver,
    • getting licensed in a new state after relocation, or
    • renewing your license as a senior driver.

Even if you've tried to take the test before and failed, this helpful study guide can get you ready to ace the test and hit the road safely!

Easy Access, Anywhere You Are

National Safe Driver Program features the most entertaining and informative defensive driving programs on the market.

Our courses are entirely online; there are no textbooks to lug around, no classrooms to go to, and no boring lectures to attend. And the program is mobile-friendly and available 24/7/365, so you can access it from your smartphone, tablet, or any Web-connected device.

Study at home or on-the-go—whenever and wherever it's convenient for you. And rest assured that our friendly customer support team is available to help when you need us. Complete the course at your convenience and on your schedule!

Responsive Demonstration

National Safe Driver Program

Complete a fun, entertaining, and potentially life-saving traffic safety education program to…

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get you on the road to safety and savings!

* This opportunity is available to most drivers, but consult with your court, licensing authority, or insurance provider to confirm that this option is applicable to your situation and that our course will satisfy related requirements.

Fun, Fast, Affordable, and Informative

Master powerful safe-driving tips from the leader in online traffic safety education!

All of our courses are easy to complete, and the informative educational materials feature accessible text, interactive exercises, full-color graphics, informative charts and diagrams, and streaming video clips that thoroughly explain the subject matter. Best of all, the lessons are packed with a trunkload of traffic-related humor, so you'll laugh while you learn.

Read at your own pace, whenever and wherever it's convenient for you; fit the course into your busy schedule by doing a lesson or two at a time, or finish the whole thing in one sitting. It'll be a gas—and you'll be a better, safer driver to boot!

We accept all major credit cards

You are going to love our state approved course.
Just click on the following link to register and start your course. Enjoy!